Celebrate Kudaravalli 2022 with Srimad Andavan at Srirangam Periashramam
How to book your KudarAvalli Bowl
On 11th January 2022, HH Srimad Andavan Srivaraha Mahadesikan will offer 100 SilverThadas of Akkaravadisal to Andal in Srirangam.
You can book your Thada for Rs.6500 so that the offering can be made with your sankalpam.
You can book your Thada in person at Srirangam or Chennai offices, or by online transfer to our bank account. Please note that after you make your online transfer, you must fill the online form below and send us a screenshot of the payment acknowledgment by your bank to our Whatsapp number.
Failure to complete the above two tasks after your transfer can lead to unnecessary delays.
Bank Transfers should be done only to this account - please do not use any other account
- Name of Bank:
- Account Number:
- IFSC Code:
- Branch:
Do the following after your transfer, or there will be a delay in tracking and accepting your booking:
- You must fill the online form below with all details of your bank transfer and personal details solicited
- You must send a screenshot of the transfer message from your bank, as well as your name and address to the Whatsapp number: 999999